LED Christmas Tree Stream

December 1, 2011

Yup, your eyes are heavy and the room is dim again. The red, green, orange and blue trees still hover in midair. You think you have them all figured out; their story has been told, but after staring a minute longer you'll find there's still a lot more to know. Watch the central beam, and put your hand behind it. Look closely, it's moving, like a film reel unwinding. Character by character the beam moves. Letters. Numbers. Like strands of the Matrix, information flows outward from the stars. The characters move too fast, the message is unclear. Photos can't be taken, only eyes can see. The beam is shooting toward you, and it's carrying a message. Maybe memories of childhood, an idea still brewing, an image long forgotten. Green, Red, and Orange are brightest. Red is barely there. Starry streams of Christmas Lights, with many things to share.