'Aphantasia: How It Feels To Be Blind In Your Mind' →

A truly fascinating and well-written piece by Blake Ross.

Imagine your phone buzzes with breaking news: WASHINGTON SCIENTISTS DISCOVER TAIL-LESS MAN. Well then what are you?

This aphantasia community site also explains it well:

Aphantasia is where a person is unable to create imagery in their mind's eye. People with Aphantasia are unable to synthesise senses in their mind.

Aphantasia appears to be a spectrum condition where the degree of Aphantasia varies, just like the degree to which non Aphantasmics can visualise to differing amounts.

Certain people are unable to create any images, sounds, tastes, smells or touch within their mind. This is known as Total Aphantasia.

Research to Aphantasia is at an early stage, so the more people we can find the better placed we are to start making progress into understanding this condition.

I've never thought of my mind's eye as an optional ability. As more people come forward it'll be really interesting to see what the full spectrum of aphantasia looks like.